Join the Cause to Streamline K8s Operations

Contact us if you are interested in joining the open source community to support streamlining Kubernetes Operations

Team Rafay strives every day to do things smarter, better, and more efficiently. And we are always looking for ways to innovate. We’ve built some amazing technology that we are eager to share with the broader community, and are looking forward to collaborating with like-minded developers to further the community’s goal of ubiquitous cloud-native infrastructure.

Great ideas can originate from anywhere. Our core services have benefited from the deep engagement we’ve had with our enterprise customers. By open-sourcing several of our key services, we are looking forward to engaging with, and getting feedback from, the entire community. Together, we can speed up the dream of making cloud-native infrastructure truly ubiquitous.

We invite you to join us in our endeavor to streamline Kubernetes operations. Contact us by using the form below:

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