With Rafay, you
don’t h8 k8s.
Care to share the ❤️?

We know the Kubernetes community is a close one, and together with our rockstar customers we think there are more teams out there that need a helping hand to streamline their k8s operations.

Refer someone who you believe could use some enterprise-grade controls on their Kubernetes operations, and we will happily thank you with one of the items on the right side of this page (or similar)!

Please fill out the form below starting with your contact information.
Thank you very much for referring us to a peer or colleague — we greatly appreciate it! We will follow up with you shortly.

“We are able to deliver new, innovative products and services to the global market faster and manage them cost-effectively with Rafay.”

Joe Vaughan

Chief Technology Officer

"Rafay’s thought leadership and white glove support has been fantastic."

Kumud Kalia


"Choose packaged software distributions or cloud-managed services for production deployments that integrate different technology components, simplify life cycle management of that stack and provide multi-cloud management rather than a DIY approach."

Arun Chandrasekaran

CTO’s Guide

"The big draw was that you could centralize the lifecycle management & operations."

Beth Cohen

Cloud Technology Strategist, Verizon Business