
Cloud Harmony: Eliminating Infrastructure Siloes

June 13,2024 | 10:00am PST

Navigating the complexities of private, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments presents significant challenges for IT organizations seeking to optimize their cloud investments. Core hurdles faced by IT teams can include migration delays, siloed cloud infrastructure, skill gaps, and outages. These challenges not only impede productivity but also increase business risks and contribute to cloud lock-in.

To address these challenges, organizations must prioritize centralization, standardization, and automation of cloud infrastructure configurations for application team consumption. This involves:

  • Implementing generic tech stack focused Golden Paths to shepherd application teams onto the platform
  • Providing standardized clusters and namespaces
  • Implementing multi-tenancy to enhance utilization
  • Centralizing management with operational control across all cloud environments
  • Enforcing compliance
  • Streamlining complex lifecycle processes using defined workflows and GitOps methodologies

Join Kurt Hopfer, Director Cloud Application Architecture at Effectual, and Anirban Chatterjee, Head of Product Marketing at Rafay Systems, as we explore practical strategies (designed by developers, for developers) in building a cohesive cloud infrastructure strategy through platform engineering that fosters efficiency, agility, and resilience across private, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments.


Kurt Hopfer

Kurt Hopfer

Director, Cloud Application Architecture, Effectual

Anirban Chatterjee

Anirban Chatterjee

Director, Product Marketing, Rafay

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