Infrastructure as Code for Kubernetes

Automate and Govern the Full Kubernetes Lifecycle Through Code

With Rafay, enterprises increase speed of deployments and improve the consistency of their Kubernetes infrastructure by leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices and tools like Terraform

By using Rafay’s declarative model to power our IaC initiative, we’ve eliminated application and cluster configuration drift and accelerated deployments by 4x

Vice President of Architecture

F500 Financial Services Company

Extend Terraform with Rafay’s Validated Terraform Provider

Rafay fully supports IaC driven through HashiCorp’s Terraform. Our official Terraform provider has been validated by Hasicorp and provides a seamless way to enhance Kubernetes services into your existing Terraform workflows.

Automate More Than Just Cluster Provisioning

Take More Action in Terraform with 
Ready Built Kubernetes Services from Rafay

Configure & Manage Multi-tenancy

Enterprises can implement both hard and soft tenancy providing multiple levels of isolation boundaries within their organization across different orgs/tenants, projects, workspaces, namespaces, and operating environments.

Manage Users, Groups & Access

Organizations can establish and implement clear separation of duties across functions with support for fine-grained role-based access.

Manage Cluster Blueprints & Drift

Create and easily apply cluster blueprints so it’s easy to standardize your Kubernetes clusters deployed across clouds, data centers and the edge. Get notified and even block clusters from being misconfigured.

Configure & Maintain Backups

Enable disaster recovery and migration of the Kubernetes control plane and application data.

Configure & Manage Network Policies

Centralize control of ingress and egress traffic ensuring that only legitimate traffic is allowed to and from the applications reducing the lateral attack surface – fleet-wide.

Application Configuration Templates & Addons

Ensure every new application is configured the way it is supposed to and has the correct software addons applied.

Integrate & Automate with CI/CD Pipelines

Enable continuous delivery, infrastructure orchestration, and application deployment through multi-stage, git-triggered pipelines.

Manage Security Policies & Addons

Enable policy management for clusters via the Open Policy Agent (OPA) framework for Kubernetes security and governance.

Benefits of Leveraging Rafay for your Infrastructure as Code Initiative

Standardize Clusters

Centrally define, manage and enforce cluster blueprints and workload templates across your environments. Get notified if they change in the wild

Reduce Time-to-Deploy

Leverage Rafay’s GitOps pipelines, Terraform provider, CLI or APIs to continuously provision Kubernetes clusters and for multi-cluster application deployment

Fast Track Day-2 Operations

Utilize Rafay’s turnkey Kubernetes ecosystem tool integrations to upgrade Kubernetes versions and add-ons in minutes, not days.

Self-Service Workflows with Guardrails

Enable stakeholders from engineering, ops and QA to quickly manage their own team's infrastructure with predefined templates that limit access and scope to their apps and clusters.

Blogs from the Kubernetes Current

Image for Mastering Kubernetes Namespaces: Advanced Isolation, Resource Management, and Multi-Tenancy Strategies

Mastering Kubernetes Namespaces: Advanced Isolation, Resource Management, and Multi-Tenancy Strategies

May 1, 2024 / by Anirban Chatterjee

Kubernetes namespaces let you separate logical groups of resources within a single Kubernetes cluster. They’re used to share clusters between different apps and provide platform teams with many benefits including improved operating efficiency, less cluster sprawl, and reduced infrastructure spending—a… Read More

Image for Demystifying Kubernetes Cloud Cost Management: Strategies for Visibility, Allocation, and Optimization

Demystifying Kubernetes Cloud Cost Management: Strategies for Visibility, Allocation, and Optimization

May 1, 2024 / by Sean Wilcox

Kubernetes cloud cost management is the process of tracking, attributing, and reducing the expenses associated with running clusters in the cloud. Although Kubernetes can improve DevOps operational efficiency, it’s often challenging to control costs across multiple apps and teams. Using… Read More

Image for How Rafay Helps Sovereign & GPU Cloud Companies Accelerate Time to Market

How Rafay Helps Sovereign & GPU Cloud Companies Accelerate Time to Market

April 2, 2024 / by Haseeb Budhani

The Generative AI (GenAI) gold rush is in full swing, and a new use case is fast emerging globally: Sovereign Clouds for AI workloads, a.k.a. GPU Clouds. Why are GPU Clouds being born? It’s the data. The most curated and… Read More