Kubernetes Self-Assessment Quiz

Though Kubernetes is the de facto standard for container orchestration, many enterprises are still learning how to handle its complexity. At Rafay, we’ve compiled best practices from hundreds of deployments. Take this self-assessment quiz to find how your team compares to others tackling similar complexities in the areas of:

  • K8s infrastructure

  • Build, test and release processes

  • Day to day operations

  • Observability and reporting

  • Kubernetes security

Select the answer that best represents the state of your organization today. If you are having any difficulty using the assessment or understanding your result, please contact us.

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Kubernetes Self-Assessment Quiz

Your results


Congratulations on managing an advanced-level Kubernetes practice. At Rafay, we’ve helped companies with mature Kubernetes practices like yours to scale Kubernetes across the enterprise by centrally operating and governing Kubernetes for multiple teams, applications, and infrastructure. Contact us to learn how!


Your Kubernetes adoption requires attention in a few areas. At Rafay, we’ve helped hundreds of companies like yours quickly close the operational gaps in their Kubernetes workflows and deliver a Standard Operating Model (SOM) with best practices to overcome the gap(s). Contact us to learn how!

Needs Attention

Your Kubernetes practice seems to have several gaps in key areas. At Rafay, we’ve helped companies like yours start their Kubernetes journey on the right footing with the proper level of standardization, governance, and automation. Please contact us to help you with best practices and recommendations to overcome the gap(s).

0-50Needs Attention
Individual score cards across several key categories are below:

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